Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Mr. Snowman

Last night was Selma's birthday and since there was lots of snow and it wasn't too cold outside, we made a huge snowman! It was my first ever snowman. 
At first I was trying to make a ball by pushing all the snow together and moulding it with my hands. It didn't work all that well and the ball kept breaking. Selma laughed and said "what are you doing?". She showed me how you make a small ball and then roll it through the snow and it gets bigger. I actually thought that they just did that in the movies, but turns out, its actually how you make a real snowman. 

I managed to fall more than once. By the end I was covered in snow and dripping wet. 
 The snowman in progress...

The finished snowman :)

Me and my bud, Mr. Snowman...

He got lots of kisses.

When we finished the next door neighbours came outside and we had a big snowball fight across the fence. It was really fun. They also tried to make a snowman but it turned out to be 30cm high and the dog ate it. The next morning our snowman was still standing strong even though most of the other snow had melted away. 

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